About the Business

Clarkson Builders is a fully established building business, supplying many construction services for renovation for your home. Being a part of this industry for many years, here at Clarkson builders in Milton Keynes we are fully aware of the importance of keeping up maintenance within your home.

Gathering evidence from previous work which we’ve achieved, many of our customers are supportive and loyal with Clarkson Builders. A proud and fast growing company, we have the best taught team in this field of work, on hand ready to help.

The high demand for home construction services has increased over the past decade, with many people wanting to renovate their home without having the hassle of moving on their shoulders. It is important to us, that we completely capture the vision you once had into reality.

We like to think we are more than your local average builders, we have a purpose in our work. To continually provide you with quality and reliability. We’re not sure of the work we have produced over the past years, our proud and professional selves have captured us an ongoing supportive and loyal clientele. People say we’re like one big family, as the importance of getting the job done effectively will always stand at number one. Our love and passion for the job is never hidden, this is of course mirrored through the final design of every project.

Business Services

Other Services

Other Services

  • Conversions.
  • Timber frame construction.
  • Stone construction.
  • Project management.
  • Architectural drawings.


If you’re tired of seeing the same room, looking for something a bit different. Clarkson Builders specialise in home Renovations. No matter what room it may be, our expert builders will be able transform your space into something worth while. There are no boundaries and no limitations, we love to create something different and personal to everyone.

As a company we have a long proven track record of results regarding our renovation services, we are able to completely capture our customer’s thoughts and produce them with a new renovation inside their home that they’ve always dreamed off.

Our loyal and supportive customers are always happy with the service which they are received with, we never fail to miss our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Our ongoing goal of constantly improving and renovating your home is still going strong. We strive in making your lives as stress free as can be. Always putting our customer’s first, our services are cost effective and reliable.
New Build Houses

New Build Houses

You could be a new couple wanting a fresh start, or deciding to try something new and start from just a picture on a piece of paper. At Clarkson Builders, creating new builds is one of our favourite construction services. It can be anything you want it to be, there are no boundaries and no limitations. The beauty of a new build is for your own sanity. Every single corner and crack of this home was created and designed by yourself. A loved story, with many memories to hold with you. We always strive to add in as many personal touches as we can, to create a warm and honest feeling within the home.

If you’re looking for a new and personal touch, then our new build houses in Olney is definitely something which you should consider. The reasons as to why many people decide to get this service is because it’s all you! It’s a start from scratch home, where you can have impute in every little detail that goes in to your home, sounds good right?

Whether you know exactly what It is you want or you are just looking to go for something new, our builders are very well trained within this sector and have had many years of experience to guide and direct you into the right path. They will be sure to provide you with a high quality service!


If you’re looking to add something different to your home, without the costly prices of having to move house. Then try our Extension service at Clarkson Builders. We specialise in changing the exterior and interior to suit your needs and your desires. We never change the feel of your home, we only wish to add to it. Understanding and appreciating the difficulty of a construction service. We promise to get the job done as efficiently and precise as we can.

Extensions are a popular choice for many people, whether you’re a singleton living on your own. Alternatively you have a large family and you need extra space. Our modern and contemporary designs compliments any property’s interior perfectly.
Location & Hours

High St, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes

Woburn, MK17 8QY
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