About the Business

Rory has been keen to promote new and highly professional business standards in his industry, where many customers would be duped by unqualified workmen, or given misleading quotations, or even worse a customer would unwittingly be breaking the law by paying for illegal work.

Climbatize undertakes all sizes of jobs, from the small on tree domestic home to the large scale business contracts. Covering all aspects of Tree Reduction, Tree pruning, Tree thinning and of course Tree removal. With the ability to grind and remove stumps, and tackle and complex hedge and tree combinations, Climbatize is certainly one of the safest and most efficient Tree solution companies in the Midlands.

With such a high rate of repeat customer business, customer referrals and great testimonials, you can have confidence in Rory and his business Climbatize to look after you and your needs better than most.

Location & Hours


Leicester, LE10 2EE
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